The task list is the linguist's tool for organizing and accessing assignments.
Assigned Tasks
As a linguist, it is extremely important that you understand how much work is assigned to you in order to organize your time. However, Project Managers may assign you to work that is still in a previous phase in the workflow, in which case you will not be able to work on it. For this reason, we created the Status filter that allows you to only view tasks that are ready to be worked on. This will help you distinguish the work that is ready to be completed now vs the work that Project Managers have assigned to you that will be ready to be worked on at a later date.
Tasks that are active are ready to be worked on. You can filter by All Active tasks or a subset of an active task. See here for more information.
Active vs. Inactive tasks
- Inactive tasks are either Waiting or Complete.
- Tasks that are in a Waiting status mean that they are still being worked on in a task the precedes the task that you are assigned to.
Tasks that are Complete means that they have reached 100% progress and/or have been marked complete.
Both Active, Waiting, and Complete statuses have status subsets. To get a more complete understanding about statuses in the Lingotek TMS, see the documentation here.
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